Author: Atoya Burleson (Atoya Burleson)

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Spring Style Refresh

Spring Style Refresh

Spring is one of my favorite seasons to style! In both spring and fall, I feel like I am able to show more of my personality through my outfits and there is something about transitional seasons that connect me back to myself, allow me to reflect and give myself the space to grow into a new season!

InsideLINES Super Bowl LVII

InsideLINES Super Bowl LVII

After months of planning, hours and hours of dedicated work by so many amazing people, InsideLINES Podcast hosted our annual Super Bowl show LIVE at Neiman Marcus and it was amazing!! We organized the live event into four quarters and in each segment we were joined by inspiring women who are changing the world through...

5 Ways to Start The New Year

5 Ways to Start The New Year

We’ve all witnessed the New Year Resolution bombs year after year. As soon as someone says they made a new year resolution, the eye rolls begin and the scoffs of sarcasm are felt. That’s because it’s been proven that most resolutions fail. Research has found that it’s easier to start with minor self care adjustments...

6 Outfit Ideas for Your Next Football Game

6 Outfit Ideas for Your Next Football Game

Football season is in full swing and I’m here for it! Our weekends consist of football, football, and more football. From high school to the NFL, we are ALL IN when it comes to this sport. So, I thought it would be fun to share some outfit ideas for your next football game. Whether you’re...

5 Fall Musts

5 Fall Musts

Fall is definitely my favorite season! There are so many comforting and exciting elements that happen when Summer says goodbye and Fall begins. The weather begins to chill, the leaves begin to turn and I immediately think about my must haves for the season. Here are 5 things I truly enjoy about the Autumn season that will help jump start the season for you as well!

Top 5 Tips for traveling to Paris

Top 5 Tips for traveling to Paris

I’ve always dreamed of traveling to Paris! My dreams came true this summer and Paris was everything I dreamed of! From the Eiffel Tower, to the Louvre, to the Seine River we truly enjoyed touring Paris, France. People watching was magnificent and the food did not disappoint! Here are my top 5 tips when traveling...

10 Marriage Tips

10 Marriage Tips

Today is my wedding anniversary!! Woo hoo! As I look up we have navigated over 10 moves to multiple states, we have 3 kids including two high schoolers and a middle schooler and have survived countless roller coaster rides in life. Through it all the love remains and I couldn’t imagine doing life with anyone...

Getaway with Bae!

Getaway with Bae!

Nate and I take an annual vacation to reconnect, reflect and enjoy one another. Anguilla has some of the most beautifully unspoiled beaches in the Western Hemisphere. The sand is a light brown sugar that turns into soft clay once the waves gently hit the shore. The sea is a shade of blue that is almost impossible to describe.