Find your Joy while staying healthy


Just checking in- are you guys good? Did you survive? The holiday season can be overwhelming. It’s important to not forget about your self care this season, as well as your health. Its good to take a pause and listen to your body and spirit.

What brings you joy?


Practice Self Care 

What are some ways to practice self care?

You don’t have to be a super-woman. Trust me I’ve been down that road. It is too easy to get burnt out when you are spending every waking minute thinking about and doing for others. This holiday season, pay attention to your own needs and take a moment when you need it. Your body will thank you! Here are my self care musts for the holiday season:

  1. Move your body – what works for you? Maybe its a 30-minute walk every day? Or hitting the gym? Or just turning on some loud, happy music and dancing in the living room. It doesn’t really matter so much what type of activity you do- just remembering to MOVE and to get in your cardio is so important. especially during the holidays. Research shows over and over that exercise boosts your mood, helps decrease depression and anxiety, improves sleep, and helps your cognition.
  2. Eat Healthy – Do enjoy the foods of the holidays! Please don’t deprive yourself of the things you love, but I suggest adding a salad in here and there to help balance your calorie intake and to help make sure you are getting all of the vitamins and nutrients you need, and not just empty calories.
  3. Set reasonable goals – what is something you can do each day that will make a difference in how you feel? Be intentional and realistic about what you decide to change and how often you can maintain those changes. Set yourself up for success!
  4. Take care of your mental health – there are lots of ways to do this, and the only way to truly know what your mind and spirit need at any given time is to slow down and listen. Which isn’t always easy to do! But here are a few ways I try:
    • Sitting alone in silence – Taking a few moments to reflect and regroup, does wonders for your soul. You can do this anywhere, in bed in the morning before you start the day, or in the evening at bedtime, in the car after you get home before you go in the house, or even while you’re on a daytime walk. Quieting the noise around you and spending time looking inwards helps you to self-regulate and understand what your mind and body need at any given time.
    • Reading the word – Engage and reflect, and let the word guide and edify you. Carving out some time each day to spend with your bible or a devotional opens your heart and mind up to the messages that you need when you need to hear them.
    • Meet up with your girlfriends – Nothing beats a coffee date, or catching up on a walk or a run, or even going out for happy hour. Friendship is a beautiful thing and laughter is one of the best medicines.
    • Surround yourself with positive people – One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. Please remember that its OK to set healthy boundaries for yourself and your family, and trust me when I say that they can really make a difference!

All of these actions truly come down to honoring yourself. Finding your happiness can be done in many ways, and please don’t be afraid to prioritize your happiness during this time. Love on yourself, ask for help, and more importantly, learn to accept help when it’s offered.

Joy -Healthy Habits

Atoya’s List of 5 ways to find Joy 

  1. Journaling for 5 minutes– love this Daily Gratitude 5-minute Journal, which makes journaling every day easy and fun.
  2. Burn a candle – you already know I love the ones from School Scents!
  3. Reading the word – I recently came across the She Reads Truth Bible Devotional which is a bible study guide exclusively for women.
  4. Remember to move- whether that’s a walk, a workout, or just doing a few minutes of lunges or pushups. The easiest way I’ve found to remember this is to set the reminder to move on my Fitbit.
  5. Text or call a friend who you haven’t heard from for awhile. Seek out connection and remember that when you bring joy and encouragement to others you also feed your own spirit.

With love, 


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